
April 22, 2011

ribbons of hope

I participated in the Machine Quilters Expo Charity Challenge this year and ribbons of hope was my entry.
The challenge was sponsored by Sew Batik and  supported the RI Coalition For the Homeless.
I love a good challenge, but also felt strongly about supporting the Coalition. 
Homelessness is such a sad realization of today's society.

Challenge requirements were to use the tropical shades of blues, greens and yellows from the fabric kit and a non traditional border and binding.

My quilt was faced with a cording which I covered with silk organza ribbon and beaded. 
I loved this finish and am going to experiment more with it. 

I had fun filling the open space with quilting designs.  I didn't have a plan when I started, I just added stitching as I went.

I like to play with the fabric ribbons and weave them together into the design...

 much like I did with rays of hope, below.

and just to keep it all real - yep that is a basketball hoop plastered on the tall, hall wall!
it was a long winter.... 
(at least he matched his duct tape to the colors in the quilt. sort of)

Happy Weekend!!

April 14, 2011

binding together

This week Deb, Vicki and Vicki's mom Glenda, were in New England for MQX.  SueB planned a get together at her studio and showed us how to make books.
Kathleen and Susan also attended.
You can see photos of all of our books by visiting SueB's blog site.

The outside cover of my book is shown above.
I used plain white signatures in my book and will use it as my new take with sketch book.
 Randomly, a few decorative papers were added throughout and I love how it looks.

Using the scraps from the cut down pages, envelopes were made to collect treasures, add notes or small drawings.

I stuck several throughout the pages of the book.
 I think it will be fun to go back and flip through and find all the hidden secrets.

On the inside cover there are two pockets. 
One has an ATC that I've already decorated, on the reverse side of it has my identification... just in case.

Below, a sketch and a doodle already added. . .

I don't want to rush the process, but I'm going to love it when it is completely filled. I know I will.
And the best part  -
I made it from the start to the finishing lines!

Happy Creating!

April 9, 2011

spring has sprung

I loved thinking about this piece and working on it during the long winter months.  It seemed fitting to post the finished pix today; as it really is beginning to feel like spring around here.
This was commissioned work and now resides in it's new home.

Enjoy your weekend and thanks for stopping by!

April 2, 2011

tis the season . . .

. . .  for wings and feathers to appear.

Thanks for sticking with me while we wait for spring's arrival and I finish up some work.
I've been working on a few projects simultaneously and have nothing  finished for pictures. 
Then, I was reminded I hadn't posted anything recently . . . 
(nor mentioned the long awaited MLB opening day.)
[thanks honey] 
. . . so I'm going with the bird theme for today.
These pix aren't new, except for the bottom one. 
I love adding birds with feathers to my work, 
almost as much as I love stitching them.

Yep, the Sox opened yesterday in TX and lost. But hey - there is a whole season ahead of us . . .

Have a great weekend.