
February 10, 2009

A little bit of practice.

~An ATC~

~The mini whole cloth 5 1/2 X 8 1/2"~
There wasn't much room for me to practice after my son played around on the muslin that was loaded on the machine. I wanted to see how small I could get the stitching. My thread was too thick for this type of quilting, but it was fun and actually kind of obsessive after awhile.

The brown thread is Signature and then I tried Invisafill (sp). That is the purple, or lighter thread. It's a 100wt. It skipped a little, you can see especially in the straight lines. I didn't mess around with it though, I just wanted to see how fine I could stitch. I used the stitch regulator and below I didn't.

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Debra Dixon said...

Holey Moley!

verobirdie said...

and it is just practice?! Beautiful!

lizap said...

Holy crap that is amazing!

Turtles In Northern Florida said...

wow.........WOW.I cant even think of anything else. Just wow.