
September 13, 2008

Scrap Baskets

People have told me we should catalog our quilts.... So, last night I started my picture inventory. This is my "Scrap Basket" quilt. Feeling a little 'buyer's remorse' after purchasing my longarm, I was determined to use up all the fabrics I had. Only the backing and thread were purchased for this quilt. It was fun to use the old fabrics and remember what I had originally used them for. Once I had used a fabric and a scrap was less than 2", I allowed myself to pitch it. (Although, if I really liked the fabric sometimes I found myself taking it back and thinking- this might make a good leaf, flower, bug or something....Ugh, I know I'm pathetic.) One of the fabrics a friend remembered using on her (now college-aged) daughter's dresses when they were young. I had spent a lot of time quilting this quilt and it was the first quilt I put that much longarm quilting into. It was fun to see it come to life, but I was happy to be done. When I blocked it, one of the fabrics ran. I was able to get the color out of the front using Sew Clean, but there is a small dye stain on the back which I have left. After receiving my judges notes back from MQX, I was tempted to go in and change some things on the quilt. I thought about it for some time and decided to leave the quilt as is. It shows where I was at the time I made the quilt and I'm okay with it. I have since allowed myself the luxury of purchasing a stack of luscious batiks to use on a new quilt I'd like to try and enter into MQX 2009. The stack is sitting in my glass cabinet, untouched..... Soon, I will either need to begin the quilt or just be satisfied admiring the pretty fabrics. We shall see- life is busy and time flies....
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