The boxer exhibit was really cute as the boxers were displayed on the ropes of a boxing ring. Members created men's boxer shorts with different themed fabrics. Some were embellished some were not, but all were awesome, original, tasteful and G rated! Seeing the show occurred close to the Red Sox opening day (and I'm surrounded by Sox fans), I made "Box Seats for Opening Day" boxers. Opening day in New England can prove to be cold and blustery, so I opted to fully line and quilt my boxers as well as add pockets for the snacks and memorabilia a true Sox guy appreciates. I dedicated my boxers to all guys who are Sox fans.
Shortly after our show my own dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Although, he does live in NY he is a true Sox guy (and never was one of the other guys). After being treated with a drug therapy he began his radiation treatment last week. I know he is going to do fine and my boxers are now dedicated to my dad. The boxers hang in my sewing room.
We, in New England, are full into Soxtober. (okay, I really dislike that name, but it's one of those things... it is what it is... ) Soxtober is when the days become shorter and the nights become longer..... and the games just go on and on. That's okay though, because when the games stop it means the season is over and that's sad. The Sox come back to town for a Sunday night game. In the meantime, most New Englanders will wander through the 'day off' planning their naps and coffee intake in order to make it to the start and finish of the next game. There is nothing worse than waking up and realizing you've missed a great catch or a home run..... Go Sox, Go Dad.
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