And somewhere along the years I acquired this pin. I'm not a huge fan of Halloween, but I love the detail of this. When I turned it over there was a website printed on the back. I don't know anything about it, but if you are into pins.... check it
October 29, 2009
Gourds are weird and a pin....
And somewhere along the years I acquired this pin. I'm not a huge fan of Halloween, but I love the detail of this. When I turned it over there was a website printed on the back. I don't know anything about it, but if you are into pins.... check it
October 27, 2009
October 26, 2009
Pencil Kit
October 24, 2009
A recent finish. Linda's quilt- she does nice work, great colors and the prairie points add a nice dimension.
I think Nicholas got voted off of PR, I didn't see the whole show. I'll have to watch next week. Where is the drama this year, btw? My interest is wavering.
October 21, 2009
Mother Nature's Treasure Chest...
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-vibrant orange from the shade garden-
October 19, 2009
Look~ quiltlet
October 15, 2009
recycling in progress and Mulligan Lake
The layer of organza changed the look of the colors completely. I never would have tried this had I not been doing these quiltlet self challenges. For an art quilt, it gave a a neat translucent look. I will try it again.
A similar, smaller version of a stone fence (shown below) might be more appropriate. Oh, and I finished the left side of the 'inlet' but forgot the pix and I'm contemplating doing the background, behind the hills - as pieced squares set on the diagonal. Not sure. I hear this weekend's weather is supposed to be inside weather - good for sewing weather. So I will see what I can come up with then.
And tonight is Guild night which is always entertaining for a variety of reasons. I'm sure tonight won't disappoint.
October 14, 2009
Recycling Day...
While waiting for the painted coffee filters to dry, I finished Dolores' quilt. A sweet lady who made two cute house quilts years and years ago. Her intent was to hand quilt them, but never did.... soon she will have her quilts to give as gifts.
Now back to finish the other while I contemplate a plan for my recycled cr#%.
For now...
October 12, 2009
A finish
October 11, 2009
A do-over...
I like the swans swimming in the reeds. But this time I'm going to make them out of fabric and add just a few threads. Again, it needs more color in the foreground with maybe some flower branches and cat tails. On the first, the swans were made using different techniques each. This time I think I'll use a method similar to the swan below, using interfacing. But I will add some extra batting behind to make it more dimensional for quilting. That is my plan... for now, anyway.
October 9, 2009
Creative Prompts and a recover....
Who doesn't love a freshly sharpened pencil using a hand crank sharpener?
Admittedly, this was quick.(they all were, actually) But I do love the Crab Apple tree out the sewing room window. The birds stop to nest and sing.